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Healing Insights – Strangers to Ourselves

Cultivating a deeper relationship with oneself is one of the greatest benefits of implementing the T3 Four Fields of Growth. Most of us go through life, myself included, not truly knowing who we are. There are so many influences, in our Spaces of Meaning, which inform our Structured Narratives. Not to mention how our ego can influence our Dispositions. We don’t want folx to see our challenges. We want to be seen as a person who is ‘all put together’. When we experience pain in our lives we often don’t do the work to figure out why. By making a commitment to know ourselves deeply, through Introspection Habits and Emotional Inquiry, we can develop skills of observation and awareness. Take pride in striving towards a more eudaimonic life – a life of purpose, meaning and joy. Leave your ego at the door and seek to find your true self. A passage from yung pueblo, tells this story well.

many of us walk the earth as strangers to ourselves, not knowing what is true, why we feel what we feel, actively working to repress experiences or ideas that are too jarring for us to observe and release. it is a paradox occurring in the human mind: we run away from what we do not want to face, from what brings feelings of pain, and from problems we don’t have answers to, but in our running away from ourselves are are also running away from our own freedom.

it is through the observation of all that we are and accepting what we observe with honesty and without judgement that we can release the tension that creates delusions in the mind and walls around the heart. this is why the keys to our freedom lie in our darkness: because when we observe our darkness by bringing our light of awareness inward, the ego begins to dissipate into nothingness and the subconscious slowly becomes understood.

the mind is full of shadows, but shadows cannot withstand the patience and perseverance of light — our minds can become like stars, powerful united fields of pure light. but unlike a star, the healed mind will dwell in awareness and wisdom. | yung pueblo, inward (pg 10)

Consider this – What is the benefit of being strangers to ourselves? I can’t think of a single one. My transformation journey continues to be a totally empowering experience. Engaging with who I am as a person and truly knowing what inspires me, gives me wisdom beyond my imagination. My reason for launching a coaching practice is to develop and share how the T3 Coaching Philosophy has changed my lived experience. There cannot be shadows without light. The ability to recognize the shadows and shine a light to dissipate them brings me closer to my eudaimonic life.